purpose driven marketing

Are You Still Making These 10 Content Marketing Mistakes?

One reason startups come to me is that they need help with content marketing. The number one problem most startups have is that they fly blind with content. They have no framework for their efforts, in other words, they have no strategy.

So despite 86% of B2B marketers and 77% of B2C marketers using content marketing, only 48% have any strategy behind their actions – and even less, just 35% – have a documented strategy driving their campaigns.

This is regrettable because a lack of strategic thinking leads to mistakes, assumptions, and disappointing results—and can often mean stakeholders abandon content marketing before it’s had the chance to prove itself with a positive ROI.

Every piece of content you create needs to align with your business goals at a strategic level. You need to know what audience segment you’re targeting, consider where they are in your sales funnel, and how to position your calls to action to achieve the desired conversions.

None of this can be done without a coherent strategy researched and formulated before you write a single blog post; otherwise, you’ll make the common content marketing mistakes that so many make.

So, what kind of mistakes does this lack of a documented strategy give rise to? What gets in the way of our content driving the traffic and conversions that we expect and hope for?

Within this context, I’ve compiled a list of the common content marketing problems encountered by startups and companies of all sizes – issues that could almost certainly be averted with some essential strategic thinking and even just a one-page written plan…

1. You’re Not Using Personas

Personas are essential if you want to align your business goals with the kind of content that will engage your target audience. They provide a snapshot of a certain segment of your market—a representative avatar—that helps you understand what your audience wants and expects from your products and services and how you can position your offers to help.

Not using personas is a big mistake, especially when they are relatively easy to research. For example, you could conduct interviews with your sales and customer service team and buying customers or check social media accounts and forum profiles to find key demographic and career information—note details of their challenges and obstacles and how your solution could help them.

By gaining this understanding, you can then make a more informed strategic decision about the tone, style, and type of content that will best appeal to these target personas – and by extension how you can encourage them to engage with your brand, products and services by positioning yourself as the answer to their problems.

How To: 

Interview your customers and check your demographic data in analytics to begin the research process.

Further resources on personas:

Marketing Personas: The Complete Beginner’s Guide

How To Create Detailed Buyer Personas For Your Business

How To Create Easy, Yet Actionable, Content Marketing Persona

2. You’re Not Looking at Search Queries

content marketing queries

Many people think that because they’re now engaged in the process of ‘content marketing’ – the old rules of SEO don’t apply when it comes to getting seen online. Yet this couldn’t be further from the truth.

Keywords and keyword research are essential in helping both real visitors and search engines find your content. So, getting the on-page SEO optimization essentials in place on all your content – based on the right keywords – is a prerequisite if you want your pages to be found when you start promoting them.

In this context, tools like Ahrefs and Buzzsumo are excellent at reverse engineering your competitors’ most popular content.

How To:

Look at the Content Gap tool in Ahrefs and create content based on queries you are not currently optimized for.

There are loads you can do with keyword research, so try these resources for extra inspiration:

How To Easily Find The Best Keywords To Write About

23 Places To Find The Best Keywords In Your Niche

12 Tips For Keyword Selection To Guide Your Content Marketing SEO

3. You Aren’t Adding CTA’s

content marketing call to actions

Calls to action – or CTA’s – are essential if you want your web visitors to do something with the information you’ve given them. Whether they take the guise of contact forms, email signup forms, ads for products and services, text links to other pages, or invitations to share your content – there are hundreds of things you can and should be doing with CTA.

After all, what’s the point in spending all this time, money, and effort getting people to your website in the first place if you leave them hanging and don’t guide them on the steps they need to take next? That’s just crazy.

If you aren’t already using CTA’s, put some on your site after reading this article. Some popular CTA’s for my clients are: 1) Newsletter signup at the bottom of blog posst, 2) Contact Us field at the bottom of every landing page 3) Share on Social Media buttons on every page. Experiment with site positions, headlines, offers, and graphics, and consider A/B testing placement of CTA’s on landing pages to ensure your traffic generation efforts aren’t going to waste.

How To: 

Develop a culture of experimentation: ABT “ Always Be Testing” use Optimizely and run a CTA experiment.

Useful CTA resources:

What Is a Call To Action?

21 Call to Action Examples and 3 Rules for Effective CTAs

9 Different Types of Lead Magnets You Can Create Using Blogs You Already Have

4. You’re Not Hiring Copywriters

content marketing overload

Unless you’re a big name in your industry, chances are your latest blog post won’t gain the traction in social or search you were hoping for if you published it in isolation. Ask yourself if you really have the time to do the legwork needed to gain traction for your post. Things like contacting sites you featured in your post and asking for shares, submitting your content to niche relevant communities & groups such as inbound.org for marketing content, and contacting influencers on Twitter who you want to know about your post.

And even if the search engines don’t reward frequent, fresh, and original content (and there’s plenty of evidence suggesting they do), your blog and social media readers will expect a certain amount of content from you, or they will go elsewhere – so why turn down an opportunity for more traffic just because you can’t create more content in-house?

Outsourcing your content production frees up time to promote it (and other essential tasks you need to do to run your business), and it pays off if you find the right people and brief them properly. Don’t try to be a ‘jack of all trades and master of none’ – get some help filling up your blog with quality content. In short, consistency matters.

How To:

Check out Freelance marketplaces for outstanding and reliable sources of freelance talent.

The resources below start with a great piece on briefing writers:

Writing a Brief

How To Outsource Content (That’s Worth Reading)

Quality Vs. Quantity: A 6-Month Analysis of the Age-Old Blogging Debate

5. You Aren’t Optimizing Your Social Channels

content marketing on social media

Sharing and curating content on social media isn’t a ‘one size fits all’ exercise. After all, the various platforms are used by different audiences, (which you’ll discover when creating your personas); so blanket-bombing all your accounts with the same output is unwise and strategically unsound.

In general, X is used by media-savvy senior managers and is, of course, confined by those 140 characters. At the same time, Facebook has a more conversational tone and is perhaps more focused on B2C interaction. LinkedIn is designed to make those professional connections, so people generally dislike being overtly pitched on this particular channel.

Pinterest, Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok are all great for graphical and video-based content, and if they suit your target audience, they should be a part of your strategy. The point is – if you’re strategically thinking about your audience and where they hang out online – you should be tailoring content to each specific platform to create trust, authority, and clickthroughs, as well as SEO benefits.

How To:

Read up on best practices for each channel and know the proper format before posting.

Extra resources:

How To Optimize Six Social Media Channels For SEO

5 Ways To Optimize Your Social Media Content To Combat Content Shock

6. You Are Not Following A Posting Schedule

content marketing schedule

The benefits of having a documented content marketing strategy are that decisions like ‘when should I post my stuff on social media?’ become much easier.

For example, if you know that most office-based workers check their social media and email before they start work at 9 am – you aren’t going to post your latest B2B piece during a workday mid-morning.

However, if you know that most of your target audience are stay-at-home moms who’ll be available on their home computers outside the times of the morning and afternoon school runs – you’ll be primed to share your content when you get the most eyeballs and engagement.

It’s also safe to say experimentation should be practiced here. It’s okay to post during off hours for a week and measure the results. You might find a late-night time slot where engagement is high with your U.K.-based audiences or night owls.

So, when are the best times to post your stuff on social media? Use these three resources to find out:

How To:

Let Buffer optimize your share times for when your audience is online.

Other resources:

What Are The Best Times To Post On Social Media?

Another Take On Those Best Times

Best & Worst Times To Post

7. You Aren’t Creating a Closed Loop Using Email Marketing

With an average of only 2% of website visitors taking the action you hope for (even if all your CTA’s are in place) – and with online attention spans waning – it’s never been more critical to churn visitors back to your site by creating a closed loop with email marketing.

When you publish a new blog post or article on your site, sending a personalized, targeted email to your email list (or a whole email series) is now a prerequisite of content promotion 101. Segmenting your email audience with highly targeted content is always a great idea, too.

And if you’re not collecting emails in the first place, well, now is a great time to start. If you’re on WordPress or Squarespace, it’s a no-brainer, as you can add email integration in less than an hour. Consider scenario A: let’s say 100 people come to your website, one buys your product, and one fills out your contact form—then, as mentioned above, the other 98 just leave. Not great.

Now let’s look at scenario B: the same 100 people visit your site, one buys your product, one fills out your contact form – and 10 join your email list because you’ve got a relevant, irresistible lead magnet. Then, over the next couple of months, you send out a series of emails that engage one of those 10 new subscribers, which will allow you to make one more sale. Email marketing has just doubled your conversion rate.

Of course, that’s simplistic, and there’s a good deal more to learn, but the premise is sound. The great news is that email marketing tools are also really cheap.

How To: 

If you haven’t already, take Chimp Essentials with Paul Jarvis. He’s the master of Mailchimp and email marketing.

Here are two I recommend:



8. You Aren’t Creating Content Upgrades

We’ve touched on these before in the CTA section, but content upgrades are such potent and high-converting CTAs that we’ve given them their own section.

The truth is, this type of custom content is definitely the future. It helps you segment your email lists by interest and intent, as described above. This, in turn, leads to much higher conversion rates for the prospects on your segmented lists. Creating content upgrades is definitely more work, but it’s so very worth it.

For these super-CTAs to work effectively, they need to be highly relevant to the content in the post. For example, you might write an extended list post with nine items in the body of the article and save the tenth, most effective one for a PDF download as your content upgrade. You can also offer checklists of action steps if you’re writing ‘how-to’ style posts or include a list of tools that help you complete a given task. At the very least you can offer a PDF download of the whole post.

How To:

If you aren’t on WordPress, use Sumome Listbuilder for all your content upgrades. If you are, check the plugin gallery for well-supported plugins.

Essential CTA resources:

How To Increase Conversions By 785%

Setting Up Content Upgrades With Mailchimp

The Content Upgrade: 21 Examples

9. You Aren’t Using Good Imagery

In copywriting, there’s a phenomenon called ‘the wall of text’, where written content is presented as long blocks of sentences and paragraphs with little or no white space in between. The general effect is instant space out.

That’s why, together with great font design and superb layout – you need to deploy original, engaging images that complement the written text. And if you want to create trust and authority with your work, don’t use tired stock images but try to produce standout bespoke graphics that attract the right kind of attention.

This is very worth doing because research shows that posts with images generate 53% more likes on Facebook than average posts—and the same thinking applies to your blog or company website.

There are loads of free and low-cost resources for making fantastic custom graphics, so go and play around with some of them and have some fun.

How To:

At the very least, choose high-quality, free stock photos.

Custom image resources:

How To Make Custom Images For Your Blog

Pablo From Buffer



10. You Aren’t Conducting Influencer Outreach

We’ve saved the best until last – because every successful content marketer knows that even the highest quality work will go unseen if you aren’t prepared to promote your content. That’s why outreach opportunities should be baked into your strategic content.

This means linking out to influencers in your niche from within your content so you can contact them to say they’re featured afterward. It means reaching out to people who have shared similar content on social media and offering to share something of theirs in exchange for a tweet or like. It also means reverse engineering similar popular content to see who linked to it—then approaching the same site owners for a backlink.

Of course, we’ve just made it all sound very much easier than it is. Outreach requires hard graft, a thick skin, and creativity. Think about sharing influencers’ work first and forming a relationship with them before you ask for anything in return. When contacting site owners, think about why they should share or link to your work. What’s in for them? What can you offer them to sweeten the deal?

Despite the time and/or money outreach can cost you, the results are exponential. Think of all the most successful content marketers in your niche – the ones dominating social media and search engines. They will all be conducting outreach in one form or another.

How To:

Mention influencers in your content, and let them know they’re featured by tweeting at them or emailing them.

Key outreach resources:

The Skyscraper Technique

Guide To Influencer Outreach

Blogger Outreach: Mistakes Made, Lessons Learned

When you do get ready to reach out, consider the person’s time as well, and keep your email short and to the point. Flattery never hurts, either.

You will want to try and reach them via social media AND email.


So there you have it, ten content marketing mistakes that are commonly made – but easily avoided.

Put just some of these right, and you’ll greatly increase the return on your content marketing investment.

Start with just one of the ten things mentioned on this list that you’re not currently actioning, and commit to do it properly.


  • Brilliant and detailed article. Thanks for that gentle, swift and appropriate reminder about the importance of content upgrades

    • Danielle lemola-Devereux says:

      Thanks, Derek. I’m glad you found it useful. I am working on updating a lot of this content so it continues to provide you insights.

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